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HomeNewsMay 'Good Egg' winner: Farnley Academy pupil is 'selfless and generous'

May ‘Good Egg’ winner: Farnley Academy pupil is ‘selfless and generous’

Kayleigh Glancy is a remarkable young woman. Selfless and generous, she has ‘a heart of gold’.

The Farnley Academy pupil, aged 14, has done so much for good causes, fundraising for a variety of Leeds charities. Last Christmas she made the headlines by donating more than £1,000 worth of gifts to the Radio Aire Mission Christmas appeal.

Kayleigh was nominated as the May West Leeds Dispatch ‘good egg’ by Andrea Riley, who said she ‘has a heart of gold’. Andrea added:

“From the age of seven she has always put others before herself. Fundraising for Wheatfields, Leeds Children’s hospital, St Gemma’s and the Radio Aire Mission Christmas  charity, Kayleigh is an example to us all. She is just 14 years old.”

Kayleigh also won praise from Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice for her generosity. A spokesperson said:

“An absolutely huge thank you to this young lady, Kayleigh. Not only has she donated Easter eggs for patients and staff, but also donated £100.

“What makes this extra special is Kayleigh saves up her own pocket money AND carries out fundraising, by doing things like raffles. She has been doing this since the age of seven!

“Kayleigh you really are such an incredible, inspirational young lady.”

Kayleigh receives a free family ticket to the fab Abbey House Museum, where she can step back in time and wander through the enchanting streets, shops and houses and experience life as a Victorian. She’ll also get an invitation to our end-of-year ‘Good Eggs’ celebration.

‘Good Eggs’ rewards the unsung heroes and heroines of our community, who go that extra mile without getting much recognition.

She joins Bramley’s Philip McConnell, who won April’s prize for his work guiding a local community organisation, Farnley Reservoir campaigner Daniel Riley of Armley, Farsley’s 11-year-old singer and charity supporter Jessica May-Frost and Bramley Parkrun volunteer Jean Hollings, from Armley.

Pudsey woman Lesley Whiteley was recognised for giving up hours of her spare time to run a special ukulele group, and Bramley’s Dave Dubej for his overall generosity and ‘can do’ attitude.

We only have another five months’ worth of Good Egg awards to run – keep your eyes peeled later this week for how to nominate you June ‘Good Egg’.


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