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Inner West Community Committee - search results

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Bramley Lantern Parade, playground painting and basketball projects bid for ‘inner west’ funding

A number of community and youth-related projects in 'inner' west Leeds are hoping to receive council funding at a meeting next week. Councillors on the...

Christmas lights, CCTV and anti-knife crime scheme net council ‘inner West Leeds’ funding

Councillors have approved funding for Christmas lights and an initiative to use boxing as a way to deter knife crime in Armley. Members of Leeds...

Community initiatives await funding decisions from ‘inner west’ councillors

Christmas lights funding, a teddy bears' picnic and an initiative to use boxing as a way to deter knife crime in Armley could all...

New play equipment and toilets amongst projects awaiting council grants in ‘inner west’ Leeds

New play equipment at a Kirkstall playground, a new toilet at Hollybush conservation centre and sports activities in Burley and Hyde Park are three...

Councillors issue video calls for all Outer West community meetings

By John Baron Councillors on the Outer West Community Committee have intensified calls for their meetings to be held in the community they serve -...

These eight West Leeds projects have received council funding

Councillors on the Inner West Community Committee have approved funding for a raft of community activities and projects – from Christmas lights in Armley and Kirkstall,...
kirkstall leisure centre

How inner West Leeds has spent its slice of £25 million bid to tackle...

West Leeds councillors have been told that progress has been made to reduce the carbon footprint of council-owned buildings and schools - but one...

West Leeds projects apply for slice of council funding – decisions next week

Councillors on the Inner West Community Committee are being asked to approve funding for a raft of community activities and projects - from Christmas...

Four West Leeds community initiatives net over £13k in council cash

Four community projects are set to benefit from a slice of cash from Leeds City Council's Inner West Community Committee. Councillors agreed to pay £5,176...
armley town street

Discuss Armley community issues at online forum: Updated

An update on anti-social behaviour issues surrounding Armley Town Street will be on the agenda at an online community forum meeting next week. The Armley Forum will be...
Leeds Civic Hall.

West Leeds: Councillors call for action on health inequalities between inner city and outer...

Tackling inequalities between inner and outer West Leeds must be a priority for Leeds City Council moving forward, councillors have said. Members of the Inner...

Universal credit claimants increase 101% in Outer West Leeds

The number of people claiming Universal Credit in the Outer West Community Committee area has increased by 101% since March 2020, councillors have been...