Thursday, January 16, 2025
HomeNewsTraffic and parking issues dominate consultation on local transport and road safety

Traffic and parking issues dominate consultation on local transport and road safety

The results of a public consultation where people living in Armley, Bramley & Stanningley and Kirkstall wards could comment on local transport issues has now been published.

Leeds City Council’s ‘Streets for All’ consultation ran in November 2023. It aimed to get people’s views on the travel issues they face in their community and their responses will help prioritise improvements when funding becomes available.

Results from the consultation – and proposed next steps – have now been published by the council, and issues with vehicles and parking dominated people’s responses:

  • Vehicles and parking – 56% or responses
  • Walking and wheeling (including accessibility) – 17%
  • Cycling – 15% 
  • Street environment – 8% 
  • Accessing bus stops and rail stations – 4%

Residents’ concerns included inconsiderate parking, congestion, junction layouts, noise and pollution and speeding traffic, along with unsafe and unconnected cycle lanes, difficulties in crossing roads, narrow and unsafe footpaths, and poor access to the public transport network.

In response, the council’s proposals include:

Armley ward

  • Cycle lane connectivity improvements on Armley Road;
  • Provide better walking links between Armley centre and A647 Stanningley Road;
  • Improved safety, lighting, access to Armley Park;
  • Review safety concerns for people cycling and people waiting for the bus on Stanningley Road, near Houghley Lane and Wyther Park Mount.

Bramley & Stanningley Ward

  • Provide better walking and cycling access to Bramley Shopping Centre and bus interchange;
  • Review parking management outside St Peter’s School on Hough Lane;
  • A new zebra crossing on Hough Lane to provide access to school and church;
  • Improved safety, lighting, access to Bramley Park;
  • Additional pedestrian and cycling crossings on Leeds and Bradford Road;
  • Review current speed limit on Leeds and Bradford Road;
  • and City Connect connectivity improvements on Lower Town Street, Bramley.

Kirkstall ward

  • Improved safety, lighting and access at Kirkstall Abbey park play areas;
  • Pedestrian crossing improvements at the junction of Queenswood Drive, St Ann’s Lane and Kirkstall Lane;
  • Pavement and pedestrian crossing improvements at Kirkstall Hill;
  • Create a better environment for cycling and walking on Kirkstall Road, opposite Cardigan Fields complex;
  • and safer walking routes, increase safer cycling provision and review current transport network provision at Wyther Lane, Broad Lane and Kirkstall Bridge area.

During the consultation the public could drop a pin on any of the five maps and select from a list of options of issues, or add something else.

None of the proposals are currently funded and the council will now look for funding streams to implement the different schemes.

Full consultation results and an interactive map of council recommendations can be found here.

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  1. Hopefully it wont be long until we see the results of the Calverley & Farsley, Farnley & Wortley, Pudsey results. Based on what I can see on the survey the main focuses will be along the following lines, but lets see what happens, these are just my predictions based on the results….

    Calverley & Farsley – Road improvements in Cleverly (junction layouts), and new end to end layout of Farsley Town Street (especially relating to traffic flow, parking and busses). The main focus for C&F will be improvements within the villages themselves.

    Farnley & Wortley – Various improvements all the way down both the ring road and Whitehall Road (inc. Bike lanes down both of these roads linking Pudsey, Morley, Wortley, Farsley, White Rose and Leeds), walking improvements (better paths, public right of ways, and better signage down the ring road for walking to Leeds, White Rose, Pudsey, Wortley and Elland Road), improved traffic flow and junctions/roundabouts (especially during rush hour and match days), parking management/ double yellows to prevent blocked roads and parking issues (ahead of the elland road expansion), and Bus stop improvements. The main focus for F&W will be the major roads and it will receive significant investment as these improvements support all West Leeds.

    Pudsey – Bus improvements (Inc better ring road connections), some minor road/junction improvements spread across the ward, road surface improvements. The main focus for Pudsey ward will be improving connectivity to and from the town centre to boost its economy rather than major changes within the town itself, so lots of junctions surrounding Pudsey to make things flow better etc.


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