Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeNewsGreen light for Kirkstall flats plans, despite community objections

Green light for Kirkstall flats plans, despite community objections

Plans to build a block of five apartments on Abbeydale Vale in Kirkstall have been approved in principle by Leeds City Council planners.

The proposals were the fourth in a series of applications to build flats on the site of the now-demolished 16 Abbeydale Vale, all of which had garnered a number of objections from residents and Kirkstall’s councillors in the past.

Applicant Mr Parminder Syan’s amended plans were submitted in January and include five two-bedroom flats, nine parking spaces and ten cycle spaces at the three-storey development.

A total of 24 objections had been received, raising concerns including:

  • Removal/damage to preserved trees and ecology.
  • The height, scale and massing of the building.
  • Highways safety and parking.
  • Privacy and overlooking.
  • Noise and disturbance.

Objections also came from Kirkstall ward members countcillors Hannah Bithell, John Illingworth and Fiona Venner.

But council planning officers have approved the proposals, subject to a number of conditions. A report released this week concludes:

“The proposal is not considered to have a significant detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the wider street scene, nor to create an adverse impact upon neighbouring amenity through over dominance or overlooking. The revised form of development is considered appropriate in relation to the size and constraints of the site.”

Among the 19 planning conditions specified by Leeds City Council are noise mitigation measures, and further reports on materials, drainage systems, remediation strategies and a survey of a survey of the condition of Abbeydale Way, Abbeydale Oval and Abbeydale Vale.

The approved plans and associated documents can be viewed in full here.

This is not the first attempt to build on the site in recent years.

An application was submitted by Mr Iradj Koohazari to build a block of nine apartments in early January 2019, before he withdrew the application after neighbours objected. 

Mr Koohazari next submitted an application to build a block of five apartments with undercroft car parking in March that year, which was refused by council planning officers in June.

A third attempt to build a three-storey apartment block were refused by planning officers in December 2019.


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