Words: Vickie Jamieson
Bramley Community Clothing Exchange is taking place next Saturday, 19 February, from 11am to 1pm at Bramley Community Centre.
It’s only £3 entry, with children getting in for free. Bring clothes you don’t wear and exchange for some you will. Save your purse and the planet at the same time.
We’re raising money for Leeds Baby Bank – so all proceeds will go to them. Leeds Baby Bank is a voluntary run charity based in Leeds taking referrals for hygiene essentials and equipment for 0-5s and expectant mothers in need.
The bank aims to partner with the local community through pre-loved essentials being donated from one family to another.

This way they share the same ethos for sustainability as the clothing exchange and play their own part in reducing landfill and encouraging sustainable living.
The bank saw referrals double from 500 to 1,000 in 2021 alone, with a large reduction in income from charitable trusts over the same period so additional funding is vital. At the moment they are in particular need of toddler beds and prams for new borns. So we’ll be collecting these too if you have any you can spare.
Leeds Inner West School Uniform Exchange will also be joining, so come along to pick up or drop off school uniform and gym supplies (no entry fee for using the uniform exchange only).
There will be the usual tea, coffee, buns & biscuits on offer so feel free to stay for a cuppa and a chat.

Volunteers included a book swap at the last event which was very popular, so there will be a book swap stall again this month.
Attendees can bring books you’re finished with and would like to exchange for books or clothing.