Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeNewsOpposition mounts against latest Armley Town Street alcohol application

Opposition mounts against latest Armley Town Street alcohol application

An application to sell alcohol at a grocery store in Armley Town Street will be decided by city councillors next week.

There has been widespread opposition to the application, with 19 letters of opposition from local residents and councillors, who fear the latest application would add to problems with anti-social behaviour.

West Yorkshire Police have also objected.

One local objector write:

“I have seen the huge problems alcohol has on the local community. People are drunk at any time of day or night on Town Street and this stops people using the street and the moor for shopping.

“I have grave concerns about where Town Street is headed. It will become a ghost street with nobody other than the drunks using the street for anti-social behaviour.”

Another added:

“This is right at the bus stop that seems to attract the gangs of drunks who ruin Town Street for the rest of us. There are more than enough places selling alcohol, we do not need more.”

Nabi Lashkiri has applied for a licence to sell alcohol at Grocery Store 13 – 15 Town Street every day between 7am and 10pm.

In his application, Mr Lahskiri has agreed to introduce staff training on alcohol-related issues, run in-store CCTV cameras, provide adequate lighting and refuse to serve people who drunk, disorderly or under-age.

He’s also said his store will work with PCSOs to resolve any problems.

Armley Town Street forms part of an area covered by a Cumulative Impact Policy, which makes it more difficult for applicants to receive a licence to sell alcohol.

The Dispatch first reported on the application in August.


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