Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HomeNewsKirkstall planning: Help shape future of your community

Kirkstall planning: Help shape future of your community

What’s YOUR vision for the future of Kirkstall?

Local residents can have their say on what their priorities are as part of a new local plan being compiled for Kirkstall at a public meeting tomorrow.

The first meeting of the newly-founded Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum will decide a variety of local topics for discussion which will help form a Kirkstall Neighbourhood Plan.

The plan, which carries legal weight when deciding planning applications, gives local residents better control over where new development takes place, what it should look like and greater influence over the spending of local funds.

Topics are likely to include the recent floods, traffic issues and the future of the run-down Kirkstall shopping centre.

Membership of the forum is open to everybody who lives or works in Kirkstall.

The first meeting of the new Forum will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 5 January, in Paxton Hall, 186 Kirkstall Lane. This meeting will be open to the public.

The inaugural meeting will elect a board of seven to 12 members who will manage the day-to-day affairs of the forum between public meetings. This board will meet at least six times a year and elect its own officers at its first meeting. At least four public meetings open to the entire forum will be held each year, and these public meetings will determine forum policy.

There will be an opportunity for new members to join the forum at the start of the meeting, but to save time and avoid confusion, people are being asked to sign up in advance.

Send an email message to info@kirkstallforum.org which includes your name, address, email and preferred phone number, so you can receive details of future events.


  1. I may or may not attend the meeting, but in the light of the recent floods, and the revelations about the cuts to flood defence funding, and the failure of the government to pursue EU flood relief funding, and the impending Doctors strike…
    Can I propose that you discuss at the meeting holding a vote of no confidence in the government?
    Get a show of hands for those in favour of the vote.
    If we can argue that the meeting constitutes a joint parish meeting of Kirkstall’s parishes, then that would enable us to properly hold the vote across our area.


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