Ambitious plans to transform an abandoned historic mill in Farnley into housing have moved a step closer to reality.
Stonebridge Mills Ltd received planning permission last June to change the Grade II Listed Stonebridge Mills site into 112 dwellings.
These include turning the late 18th century mill buildings into 30 dwellings and building 82 new homes – a total of 112 properties off Stonebridge Lane.

As lockdown restrictions ease, the company is starting to move forward with the proposals, this week applying to Leeds City Council to tweak some of the plans.
The amendments include a sub-station being moved to building at base of chimney; additional car parking space provided to parking court adjacent to plots 92 – 95; Changes to rear elevation on plots 1 – 11; and changes from buff brick to reconstituted stone in some areas. Check out the planning application here.
And an application to discharge a raft of planning conditions – including managing biodiversity on the site, site access arrangements and bat mitigation methods, among others – has also been submitted to the council.
Stonebridge Mills is on the Heritage at Risk register in Leeds.