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HomeNewsVolunteers hold first Bramley war graves clean-up after lockdown

Volunteers hold first Bramley war graves clean-up after lockdown

The first regular Bramley Baptist War Graves clean up session after lockdown was held yesterday.

The volunteers meet fortnightly to help keep the grass in check around the war graves.

Strimming around the war graves in Bramley. Photo: Ian Johnston

Member Ian Johnstone said:

“We have been very lucky having Joe and Gina looking after the flatter war graves and grass paths during their exercise periods during lockdown. This afternoon Peter and Pete tackled some of the war graves in the jungle of long grass and got quite a few done.

“There will be a lot more strimming and raking to do in the coming months.”

A litter pick of the graveyard was also carried out.

See the Memories of Bramley Facebook page for details of the next clean-up.


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