Over the previous week Leeds City Council have validated 80 planning applications, for sites across the Leeds area, writes Jim Corah.
This is an increase on last week, Spring bringing about more developments in our city.
In our area there are demolitions and extensions, plans for the future and retrospective plans. The only Ward with nothing occurring is Farnley & Wortley.
Below are the applications that apply to the Wards that are covered by West Leeds Dispatch. Members of the public and community groups all can have a say in the planning process, and planning applications can be found by searching the planning portal:Â https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application
Links are provided for all of the applications below.
Single storey extension to rear with enlarged patio area; detached outbuilding to rearÂ
23 Gotts Park Avenue Armley Leeds LS12 2RW
Ref. No:Â 19/01337/FUÂ |Â Status: Current
4.8m single storey rear extension, 3.7m to ridge height and 2.5m to eavesÂ
31 Armley Grange Walk Armley Leeds LS12 3QW
Ref. No:Â 19/01305/DHHÂ |Â Status: Current
Determination for partial demolition of buildings
The Exchange 471 Stanningley Road Leeds LS13 4AP
Ref. No:Â 19/01084/DEMÂ |Â Status: Current
Bramley & Stanningley
Conversion and extension of detached garage to form annex and addition of roof lightÂ
378 Broad Lane Bramley Leeds LS13 2AH
Ref. No:Â 19/01325/FUÂ |Â Status: Current
Determination for demolition of vacant single storey building and detached garage to rear
40 Town Street Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6EZ
Ref. No:Â 19/01128/DEMÂ |Â Status: Current
Calverley & Farsley
5.2m single storey rear extension, 4.0m to ridge height and 3.0m to eaves
48 Galloway Lane Stanningley Pudsey LS28 8JR
Ref. No:Â 19/01236/DHHÂ |Â Status: Current
One roof light to front and two roof lights to rearÂ
18 Clarke Street Calverley Pudsey LS28 5NH
Ref. No:Â 19/00871/FUÂ |Â Status: Current
Farnley & Wortley
No results returned.
Single storey rear extension
54 Vesper Walk Kirkstall Leeds LS5 3NQ
Ref. No:Â 19/01252/FU | Status: Current
Retrospective application for raised decking area to rear/side
6 Sheridan Court Pudsey LS28 9NY
Ref. No:Â 19/00928/FU | Status: Current
While every effort is made in collecting the information above, omissions may still occur.
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