Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to council wards in West Leeds.
The following applications were published on on the Leeds City Council website in the past seven days:
Armley Ward:
- Tree works, 29 The Towers, Armley, Leeds LS12 3SQ.
- Tree works, 56 Hill End Crescent Armley Leeds LS12 3PW.
- Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use as a House in Multiple Occupation (C4), 2 St Ives Mount, Armley, Leeds LS12 3RP.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Two storey and single storey side/rear extension and new first floor window to side, 46 Fairfield Road, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3DS.
- Conversion of part integral garage to a habitable room, 98 Horsforde View, Bramley, Leeds LS13 1GE.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Demolition of existing units; erection of five detached dwellings with attached garages and associated external works – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 18/07832/FU , The Funeral Home Chapel Of Rest, The Manor, Stony Royd, Farsley
- Tree works, 11 Old Road, Farsley.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to gable, dormer window to rear and rooflights to front, 63 Springbank Road, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5LS.
- Certificate of proposed lawful development for a single storey rear extension, 93 Bagley Lane, Rodley Leeds LS13 1JA.
- Certificate of proposed lawful development for an outbuilding and rear dormer window, rooflights to front, 85 Peckover Drive, Pudsey LS28 8EQ.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension and a detached garage to the rear, 42 Westdale Drive, Pudsey LS28 7HZ.
- Listed building consent application for replacement windows to flat, 7 Westroyd Hall, New Street, Farsley LS28 5AS.
- Single storey side extension, 29 Beech Lees, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5JY.
- Demolition of existing garage, construction of part two storey, part single storey side and rear extension, 290 Bradford Road, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 7TQ.
- Three storey office block, New Pudsey Square, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28.
- Two storey extension, including Juliet balcony, to rear, 2 Owlcotes Road, Pudsey LS28 7PB.
- Single storey front extension; single storey side extension; reposition of window to side; proposed single storey rear extension, 20 Foxholes Lane, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5NS.
- Retrospective application for erection of two storey playhouse, 124 Thornhill Street, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5PR.
- Listed Building Application for replacement detached double garage, orangery, timber gates with fence and alterations to driveway to front; alterations to form new access door from basement level and patio area to rear and replacement windows to east elevation, 70 Carr Road, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5RH.
- Replacement detached double garage, orangery, timber gates with fence and alterations to driveway to front; alterations to form new access door from basement level and patio area to rear and replacement windows to east elevation, 70 Carr Road, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5RH.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 12 and 14 of Planning Application 18/02141/LI, Stonebridge Mills, Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Leeds LS12 4QN
- Single storey side and rear extension, 26 Prince Edward Grove, Farnley, Leeds LS12 6AX.
- Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 17/00100/FU to remove container units from western boundary and include double stacked container units in southern portion of the site, Land Off Amberley Road, Upper Wortley, Leeds LS12 4BD.
- Enlargement of footprint of building at base of chimney to incorporate sub-station, Stonebridge Mills, Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Leeds.
- Alterations including new roof over existing garage and existing outbuilding to be extended and converted to habitable room space, 10 Forge Row, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5DN.
Kirkstall Ward
Tree works, Abbey Retail Park, Savins Mill Way, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS5.
Pudsey Ward
- Two storey extension with balcony to rear, 122 Roker Lane, Pudsey, LS28 9ND.
- Certificate of proposed lawful development for a single storey rear extension and dormer window to rear, 1 Glenroyd Close, Pudsey, LS28 8HN.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 5, 9, 14 and 17 of Planning Application 15/04151/FU, Tyersal Lane, Tyersal BD4
- Single storey link extension, Grove House, Chapeltown, Pudsey LS28 7RZ.