Ever wanted to get involved with the West Leeds Dispatch? Well, now’s your chance!
We’re holding another of our friendly and informal community news cafes next Friday (April 21) in the Old Unicorn Pub opposite Bramley Shopping Centre on Bramley Town Street from 3.30 until 5pm.
Got a story to tell about your community? Want to report on a group you’re a part of? Or would you like to join our growing band of volunteer writers here at the West Leeds Dispatch?
Feel free to join editor John Baron to find out more. He said:
“Our news cafes are friendly and relaxed and are your chance to tell us what sort of stories or issues you’d like covering and perhaps get involved yourself – it’s easier than you might think!
“These are exciting times to be part of The Dispatch – and this is an ideal opportunity to join our growing band of community volunteers.”
On Monday the Dispatch took its first steps towards becoming a social enterprise company run by a board of volunteers from across West Leeds.