Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsThese wall planters look blooming great at Bramley Lawn!

These wall planters look blooming great at Bramley Lawn!

Volunteers from UPP have transformed the exterior of Bramley Lawn with upcycled pallet wall planters, a strawberry-clad doorway, a new flowerbed and neatly mown lawn within the enclosed garden at the side of the building, writes Debby Dean.

The team of five worked alongside staff and volunteeers at the social centre to dig, weed, move, rotavate, mow, strim, hit stuff with hammers, paint, drill, hang stuff on walls and generally help to make the plans of the Bramley Bloomers group become a reality.

Many of the ‘Bloomers’ are older, retired members of the community who have had to give up gardening for health reasons, so the offer of willing hands and able bodies was much appreciated.

Now the group plan to fill the wall planters with edible flowers, salad vegetables and herbs so that members of the wider locality can benefit from their growing expertise.

Volunteers of any age are always welcome and you can drop in on the fourth Thursday of each month from 1.30pm onwards to have a chat, eat cake and maybe engage in a few light gardening-related activities. The next Bloomers meeting is on 25th May.

There were two other local community garden events over the weekend.

On Saturday, volunteers were made most welcome at the Newlay and Whitecote Residents Association (NAWRA) community garden dig at the side of the Rock pub on Leeds and Bradford Road. 

And Bramley Baths gardeners met yesterday to weed, mow the lawn and water plants – we have a report and photos to come!






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