Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeNewsPudsey: Knitted community Christmas tree takes pride of place in town

Pudsey: Knitted community Christmas tree takes pride of place in town

A group of talented crafters from Pudsey have put together a large knitted community Christmas tree which has been unveiled outside the Commercial pub in Pudsey.

Dozens of volunteers from Pudsey Community Craft group gave up their time to knit 600 squares which adorn the impressive 18ft tall tree.

They have followed up their impressive efforts last year when the ‘knitters and natterers’ put up poppies at various spots across the town to commemorate fallen war heroes on Remembrance Sunday.

The group is led by Lisa Farrar, who received a West Leeds Dispatch Good Egg award in December 2018 for her tireless work litter picking across the town. Posting on Facebook, Lisa said:

“This year we decided to knit / crochet a huge tree (18ft). Please have a look at the hard work Pudsey Community Craft group have done this year creating approximately 600 squares for the tree and 24 wreaths for the lampposts. Thank you to the Commercial Pub for letting us put the tree on their property, they’ve been amazing.

“It’s such a shame you can’t visit for a drink and view the tree. Thank you to my husband Brian for creating the frame for the tree. Thank you to Farmac for the discount wood. Thank you to A W Hainsworth for letting Brian build the tree in their factory and store it.

“Thank you Dawn Seary and Kelly Ferguson for helping put the knitted cover over the tree and sew the seem up, install the wreaths and a big thank you to all the knitters and crocheters for making it all happen. I hope everyone enjoys checking all the squares out. Make sure you count down the days to Christmas using the knitted dates when you’re passing.

“Knitters / crocheters: Kath Clough, Sheila Verity, June Ostiadel, Teresa Hassett, Gloria Harmson Thompson, Carol Wood, Debbie Bragg, Marlene Harewood, Margaret Hoggard, Jen McConnell, Patricia Valentine, Christine Anne, Danuta Skarszewska, Chris Hind, Linda Howarth, Susan Kelk, Joanne Boocock, Elaine Stolarski, Joan Redman, Yanina Yannina Hawkhead and Tricia Long.”

The group also made special festive wreaths for lamp posts in the area.


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