‘Mrs Bramley parkrun’ reaches volunteering milestone


Photos: Simon Cullingworth

One of the leading lights behind Bramley parkun has celebrated a major volunteering milestone.

Jean Hollings – known in some circles as ‘Mrs Bramley parkrun’ – yesterday completed her 50th parkrun and also volunteered for the 250th time at the Saturday morning event in Bramley Park.

A cake marking Jean’s 250th volunteeing stint.

Cakes were provided by regular volunteer and master baker Gareth Semmence.

A cake marking Jean Holings’ 50th parkrun,

Back in February 2018, Jean was a recipient of a West Leeds Dispatch Good Egg award for her selfless voluntary work.

Parkrun facts

  • A total of 25 volunteers took part in Bramley parkrun.
  • 202 athletes ran and jogged walked across the finish line.
  • 37 people joined us for their first time. We had inspirational 15 people who completed their first ever parkrun and nine people returned for their second parkrun.
  • Visitors from Keighley, London and Oldham joined on their parkrun journey.
  • 23 different running clubs were represented.
  • 44 people gained a personal best.
  • Congratulations to Sara K on achieving her 10th parkrun
  • Congratulations Jean H & Tom P on completing their 50th parkrun
  • Congratulations to Carol R on her 150th volunteering occasion

A parkrun spokesperson said:

“Thanks again to all our wonderful volunteers as we couldn’t have a parkrun with you. If you are interested in volunteering once a week, once every six weeks or three times a year to help us keep things running smoothly, please let us know.”


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