What alternatives are there to chemical shop-bought household cleaners? Armley-based community reporter Susan Denton’s second ‘penny-pinching’ column has some answers …
A great one for the kitchen is a de-greaser.
Only two ingredients are needed:
- 50% washing up liquid
- 50% white vinegar
Put into a spray bottle and shake gently.
To use spray the area and then wipe off. For stubborn areas spray and leave on for a few minutes before wiping off.
A glass cleaner
- 50% white vinegar
- 50% water
Put into spray bottle
To use, gently shake contents then spray on and wipe off . Some newspaper is an excellent way to wipe this off with , cleans wonderfully.
Disinfectant, great for bathrooms
- 50% surgical spirits aka rubbing alcohol
- 50% water
Put into a spray bottle, shake gently before use

Home-made ‘Fabreeze’
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup surgical spirits
- Add approximately 30 drops of your chosen essential oils
Store in a spray bottle. Shake vigorously before use to infuse the oils into the liquids. Do not spray directly onto furnishings.
Mould and mildew remover
- 2 tablespoons of borax
- 2 cups of warm water, mix thoroughly
- Then add 1/4 cup of white vinegar together with 20-40 drops of tea tree oil.
- Store in spray bottle
- Mix well before use
- To use, spray then wipe off
- Spray again, wipe off.
- Spray a third time and leave on as a preventative
More next week from the Auld Git! If you have any ideas drop me – Susan Denton – a line at news@westleedsdispatch.com.
Why do you need to disinfect a bathroom?
great tips. Keep them coming! Thanks