Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeNewsDevelopers bid for Kirkstall apartments approval - six years after first proposals...

Developers bid for Kirkstall apartments approval – six years after first proposals were rejected

Plans to turn an empty Kirkstall shop into apartments have been resubmitted by developers for a fourth time.

Proposals to develop the shop, off the A65 Commercial Road, were first submitted six years ago – but have been refused permission on each occasion by Leeds City Council planners amid concerns over the lack of parking and flood risk issues.

The latest proposals would convert and and extend the former shop and store to create three one-bedroom apartments and a three-bedroom dwelling.

Applicants Leo Group Ltd say in their latest submission: “Given that this scheme has been under consideration for over six years now it seems appropriate that the presumption in favour of sustainable development is afforded to the proposal.

“The proposal is a small but entirely suitable scheme to provide new dwellings in a sustainable location. The proposed development does not adversely affect the approved extension at the adjoining property. Car parking is neither required nor appropriate for these dwellings in this highly sustainable location.

“There are no issues around refuse collection or highway safety. Issues regarding outlook and outdoor space have been overcome by amendments to the scheme.”

The latest plans can be viewed in full – and commented upon – here.

Council planners refused the last application in May 2021. In 2018 Leo Group Ltd wanted to change the shop on Commercial Road to a house and build a four-storey extension to the rear, but the council refused the application. Planning permission was first refused on the site in May 2016, mainly due to issues with windows.

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  1. What can be the reason for it not requiring parking provision?
    Three apartments and a dwelling, unless they expect nobody to live there then they’ll need at least 4 spaces providing.

  2. It is, but the bus services in Leeds are constantly being cut back, and I’m sure there are plenty of people who live on busy main roads that are also car owners.


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