Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeNewsDeveloper returns with fresh plans for Pudsey housing development

Developer returns with fresh plans for Pudsey housing development

Fresh plans for 28 houses in a field off Kent Road in Pudsey have been submitted by developers.

Original proposals for family homes by planning consultants Johnson Mowat had been withdrawn in July following neighbours’ concerns over parking and traffic.

Council highways officers had said with the previous application that the site layout should be revised to include 20mph speed limit signage, cycle parking storage/sheds, electric vehicle charging points and a revised parking layout. They also called for a two-metre wide footway on the northern side of the access road.

Developers say the development will deliver ‘much-needed’ family housing in the town. The access would be via Varley’s Yard.

The new plans can be read – and commented upon – here.

Green light for principle of Owlcotes housing development

Outline plans to build at least 65 houses on a greenfield site off Owlcotes Road have been officially signed off by council planning officers – more than a year after councillors approved the proposal in principle.

This follows officers negotiating a number of planning conditions with the developers.

owlcotes reservoir pudsey

There had been local opposition to the plans, which can be viewed in full here.

The application, known as an “outline”, focused on the broad principle of development on the site, with further information on the number of houses and designs in a more detailed “reserved matters” application.

Conditions imposed by planning officers include developers submitting fully detailed plans within the next three years and providing on-site green space, among others. The site, near Owlcotes Reservoir, was put up for sale by Keyland Developments last year.


  1. Once again Mowat think if they leave it long enough before reproposing and slightly tweaking their plans they will get this development in under the noses of local residents.Nothing whatsoever has changed since the last refusal of these plans,in fact the situation has gotten worse.Apart from the original grounds for locals protesting against these plans, parking/congestion/safety/turning streets into rat runs,we now already have local councillors extremely concerned about boy racers in and around this area.These plans would be completely against the wishes of local residents and safety campaigners.SAY NO TO THESE PLAN’S.

    • I totally agree with you traffic is bad as it is and the plans make no sense all the builders are worried about is profit not the impact it has on the community


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