Education chiefs have signed off the transfer of a primary school in Armley into academy status.
Christ Church Upper ArmleyĀ Primary School will be run by the Abbey Multi-Academy Trust following an Ofsted report last December which rated the school as ‘inadequate’.
A council report authorising the transfer from September 1 2018 concludes:
“Under the circumstances, negotiations have progressed well and have beenĀ concluded ā furthermore the relationship with Abbey Multi Academy Trust and theirĀ advisors continues to be positive. Therefore the Commercial Transfer AgreementĀ is agreed and ready for sealing/signing as appropriate.”
Abbey Multi-Academy Trust was initially set up as a partnership between the lead academy Abbey Grange and St Chadās Primary School in Headingley.
Abbey MAT has since grown with the addition of its first sponsored academy, Lightcliffe Academy near Halifax, and most recently has welcomed Bishop Young C of E Academy, Manston St James Primary, Holy Trinity Rothwell C of E Primary Academy and Lightcliffe CE Primary.
As a Diocesan multi-academy trust, Abbey works within a caring and Christian ethos.
December’s Oftsed report criticised school leadership at the time, and said outcomes for pupils were unsatisfactory.