Buffalo Bulletin: Bramley romp to Scarborough victory

Sam Neave goes over for Bramley Buffaloes. Photo: Mick Wormald

by Paul Abraham

It was deja vu as Bramley romped to the same 68-12 victory against the Scarborough Pirates as they did earlier in the season in the Yorkshire Mens League Shield Competition.

Great credit to the Pirates for travelling from the East Coast in cars to play a match which they probably knew was going to be another big defeat.  

They came and gave 100% up to the final minute and despite the score didn’t lose their discipline or resort to cheap shots as some other teams would have. 

The blistering sun matched a Bramley side running hot. Half time came with the Buffaloes in a commanding 34-6 position.

As the heat sapped the energy levels in the second 40 minutes for both sides, errors became common place, however the Buffaloes kept their expansive game plan going and eventually as the final whistle went the score had mirrored the season’s earlier contest.

Bramley Buffaloes’ Kieran Hudson runs in a try against Scarborough. Photo: Mick Wormald


The 13 tries were shared throughout the team with Jamie Donnelly, Daniel Booth, Steve Neave, Keiran Hudson all crossing for a brace of tries each and successful goal kicks coming from Martin Loveridge (5) and Michael Wright (3).  

The comment of the match came from a Scarborough player when he said: “Never had chaffing as bad as today.”

The team travel to Batley Boys on Saturday hoping to avenge the heart-breaking last second defeat of earlier in the season when the Buffaloes were outstanding and dominated the match only to fall with the last play of the match.  

The Buffaloes are top of the table with Batley occupying second place but they have won five from five this season, so a tough encounter is expected, but with the Buffaloes selecting from strength and with confidence sky-high, coach Steve Langton and the boys will be looking to come back to West Leeds with the spoils.

The “Buffs” good fortune with cup draws continues as in the semi-final of the Yorkshire Mens League Shield Competition they have been drawn at home to Keighley Albion Academy on Saturday, 24 June.  

Bramley are hoping fans old and new will be there in force to cheer the team on as it attempts to reach the final which will be held at Featherstone Rovers Post Office Road ground on Saturday, 15 July.

After the second team’s recent 44-0 home victory over Guiseley, the Buffaloes are hoping to arrange another fixture in the very near future.  

The match provided action for many of the club’s younger players with hooker Dylan Murphy scoring a hat-trick of tries and two goals to claim a personal points haul of 16 points.

George Carpenter crossed for two tries while Ben Blanchard, Lewis Johnson and Lewis Gaunt scoring the other tries while Tom Jenkins kicked four goals to complete the scoring.  In February when the Buffaloes felt they could be struggling to field one side and it’s great credit to the club and the coaching staff to now be in a position to field two sides.


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