Bramley Yorkshire Bank closure: Information session helps customers

yorkshire bank Bramley

A community information session will offer advice and support to people affected by the closure of Yorkshire Bank in Bramley tomorrow (Monday).

Yorkshire Bank has announced its bank will be closing its doors in August – and concerned customers can attend an information session at Bramley Community Centre to find out what’s happening, ask questions, and take part in one-to-one surgeries with Yorkshire Bank Staff.

Doors open 1pm for this event on Monday, July 29.

This meeting is for anyone who would like to know more. The agenda is:

1. Branch update – what’s happening, where to go for help after the branch has closed.
2. Post Office presentation
3. Avoiding Fraud information (for anyone concerned about internet banking)
4. Q&A session

This will be followed by one-to-one surgeries for anyone who would like this. They are an opportunity to find out about other ways to bank with Yorkshire Bank via the telephone or internet.

This session will be followed up by a one-to-one advice session (drop-in) on Tues 27 August 2019, from 9.30am-11.30am with Yorkshire Bank staff.

Bramley Elderly Action are providing transport for anyone aged 60+ in the area to attend this information session. Call BEA on 0113 236 1644 to book.

Get in touch with us at Bramley Community Centre if you may have problems getting here for this meeting but are under 60 years.


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