Detailed plans to develop the Yorkshire Chemicals site and former bus depot at the bottom of Kirkstall Road have been submitted by developers Inhabit.
As The Dispatch reported in March 2016, outline planning permission is already in place for City Reach One on the Yorkshire Chemicals Works site is located, for up to 1,010 residential and student homes, commercial floorspace and public realm.
The bus depot part site would be developed and named City Reach 2 under new plans submitted.
The proposals will collectively deliver 1,058 homes. Alongside this would be 309 student apartments, leisure and retail facilities.
Inhabit intend to begin building City Reach One this summer and bring the site forward as a single development phase, with completion expected in summer 2020. City Reach Two would be progressed through the planning process alongside this and its construction would start in 2020.
A planning statement submitted by developers said:
“Both individually and collectively, the sites represent major brownfield opportunities in a gateway location at the western edge of the City Centre. This area has been earmarked for regeneration for almost ten years and the proposals will catalyse future investment in the wider Kirkstall Road area.”
The planning appolication can be viewed in full – and commented upon – here.
The land – which has been empty for several years – backs onto the River Aire and is a major gateway into west Leeds.
It’s already choked with traffic down there – haven’t these planners got brains?