Words: John Baron
The re-opening of busy Wyther Lane Bridge has been delayed for another four weeks – after Leeds City Council confirmed it had dismissed the contractor involved in the work.
The historic canal bridge had been closed to traffic since Monday, 26 July initially to allow owners the Canal and River Trust to carry out permanent repair work following a car crash which badly damaged part of the bridge back in March.
The road remained closed and in early September contractors moved in to install permanent traffic lights at Amen Corner for Leeds City Council in a bid to make the bridge safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. There was an expected re-opening date of early October.
Only last week the council issued a statement saying the work would be finished by ‘early November’. But the latest deadline has been missed, with the council bringing in new workmen to complete the job and apologising for the delays.

Armley councillor Lou Cunningham shared a statement from Leeds City Council on social media. It said:
“Unfortunately, due to reasons beyond our control, serious failings with [THE] contractor carrying out the works on Wyther Lane have occurred, meaning that the deadline for completing the works on the bridge (5th November) has been missed.
“As such the workforce on the Wyther Lane scheme have this week been dismissed and replaced with new resources who will see the work through to completion, but we are afraid that works pertaining to the introduction of traffic signals on the Amen Corner bridge and the closure of Wyther Lane will unfortunately continue for another four weeks.
“We apologise for the continued inconvenience that this presents and thank everyone for their patience on the matter.”
The announcement received an angry reaction on social media. One local resident posted:
“This is just dragging on forever. It’s a nightmare just to get to the shops. There is so much traffic now because the bridge is shut – Broad Lane is chocker most days.”
Another added:
“As one of those natives who doesn’t normally complain I am sick of it. Sick of cars tearing up my street. Sick of worrying if I’ll go out to a damaged car. Traffic has increased many times over, and there have been several bad accidents now. It’s not good enough.”
A signed diversion route is available via Raynville Road, Outgang Lane and Broad Lane.
On Monday, 15 March, a car crashed into the bridge and destroyed some of it, sparking concerns over road safety from local residents and drivers and a subsequent 691-name petition for safety improvements.
Whatever, if anything, happened to the driver who caused the damage in the first place? Wasn’t it someone being chased by the police, crashing, and taking off on foot? I hope he’s really pleased with himself. Will he be paying for the repairs?
I must admit that I did take the last forecast for opening with a wheelbarrow full of salt.
The diversion signs are a joke.
The Signs at both ends of Kirkstall Avenue which read “Access Only Residents Only” which were in once place have vanished into thin air. Presumably removed by LCC or contractors!
This is a 20 mph street as is Kirkstall Mount; a speed limit which is being ignored not only by the hundreds of vehicles which hurtle along these roads daily. There have been two cars of residents written off and many bumps and mirrors damaged. I and the residents are sick of the apparent lack of enforcement of the speed limit and the dismissive attitude of the Council to this massive problem. Grin and bear it seems to be to message from them.
You have my sympathy. As I said on the previous ‘Amen Corner’ thread, my understanding of the diversion going up Brewery Hill/Broad Lane is that vehicles should turn left at Spar. No-one does that, and all turn left well before then, and then encounter traffic diverted from the other end of the bridge.
The driver who caused the damage just walks away leaving tax payers yet again for the repairs of the Parasites who bleed this country, fortunately I believe that karma will disrupt their life in one way someday mark my words…..