Wortley Local History Group’s heritage open day


Colin Broadbent writes about Wortley Local History Group’s open day which includes all kinds of local memorabilia.

Heritage Weekend is almost here and Wortley Local History Group are having an Open Day on Saturday, 10 September, at Whingate Methodist Church, Whingate from 10am until 4pm.

On show will be everything “Wortley”.

Old photographs, articles, a film show and a special display of Oldfield Lane memorabilia. There will be calendars and books for purchase at reasonable prices and refreshments from 1pm. ENTRY IS FREE.

There will also be calendars and books to purchase at reasonable prices and refreshments will be available from 1pm. If you are free that day why not come along and see what we have to offer. Entry is free.

The Dispatch will feature a full roundup of Heritage Open Day weekends in West Leeds next week.


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