Wednesday, January 22, 2025
HomeNewsWest Leeds to net extra 'real time bus screens'

West Leeds to net extra ‘real time bus screens’

Regional transports chiefs have agreed to spend millions of pounds on bus infrastructure in Leeds.

Representatives of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), met to approve plans to spend £7m on an extra 1,000 ‘real time bus screens’  – with some potentially earmarked for the West Leeds area.

There are currently 520 real time displays in bus shelters around Leeds, but most of these are in the city centre.

A report from WYCA officers said:

“Overall this will promote the local bus network in Leeds and improve the offer for existing customers as well as growing the market by attracting new customers.

“Along with other measures this scheme will contribute to the overarching aim of doubling bus patronage within Leeds in the next 10 years.”

The spending is part of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme, which members hope will create an extra 2,000 jobs and help reduce carbon emissions by getting more people on the bus.

Councillors approved in principle the £7.2m total cost, while granting initial costs of £1.74m to buy and install the first 490 units.

The report added:

“There is evidenced demand for the project, to increase customer satisfaction with existing bus users and the highly visible nature of the units is anticipated to drive demand from non-bus users.

“The Combined Authority has good knowledge and experience of delivering this type of scheme and has well trusted suppliers, so is confident in delivering the project competently within budget and timescale.”


  1. Meh, they’d be better off improving the accuracy of the ones they’ve already got and maybe letting people know if a bus isn’t going to turn up despite the countdown being there? Most people can access the real time info via phone apps if the bus stop itself doesn’t have a screen.


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