Lower speed limits are set to be introduced in more residential areas in West Leeds as part of a city-wide programme to reduce road casualties.
The latest phase of Leeds City Council’s 20 miles per hour (mph) speed limit programme will be rolled out from autumn 2018 and will see reduced speed limits introduced in more residential areas where they are not already in place.
West Leeds schemes include:
Valley View
Gamble Hill
Calverley North
Calverley South
Canalside, Calverley
New Farnley village
Rodley village
Lower Wortley
Dragons, Wortley
Western Flatts, Wortley
Kirkdales, Wortley
Kirkstall North
Kirkstall South
Pudsey Smalewell
Pudsey Waterloo
The programme will see 20 mph road markings and large traffic signs installed at the junctions where the speed limit changes.
Smaller ‘20’ repeater signs will be placed at regular intervals on either side of the road throughout the area of the 20mph limit.

Cllr Richard Lewis (Lab, Pudsey), Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning, said:
“There is strong evidence to suggest that by reducing traffic speeds within residential areas, people will feel safer and more confident on their local streets. This is particularly important for our most vulnerable residents, such as children, the elderly and those with disabilities, enabling them to travel more independently in their local communities.
“One of our key targets within Leeds is also to improve air quality. Encouraging walking and cycling instead of driving for short journeys, as well as adopting a smoother driving style and lower speeds will help contribute towards this.”
Cllr Lewis added that existing 20 mph speed limits and zones have already seen significant improvements in road safety in many of the city’s residential areas, with up to 50% drop in road injuries.
Excellent news, now we just need strict enforcement!
No number of signs will make drivers keep to 20mph. It has to be enforced.
Pudsey already have 20 mph signs. No one takes any notice perhaps you could visit and see for yourself?
I was hoping that Newly Lane would get speed bumps, people speed down the hill, it is dangerous pulling out or crossing the road from Hill Court Drive
Unfortunately, a lot of drivers ignore these reduced speed limits, even when there is a school (and at school times!), and some don’t seem to realise that these speed limits are in force 24 hours a day. I overlook Kent Rd in Pudsey and quite often witness people driving at the same high speed through both the 20 and 30 signs, and far too fast past the horses that are frequently ridden along there.
Does not work. People still speed!
Control freaks that have leading up to this for ages with bs excuses. Oh and somebody on here on about horses! Give me a break! Where do you think you live,Texas?!