Each week we publish a list of the latest planning applications related to the seven council wards in West Leeds.
The following applications were published on the Leeds City Council website in the past seven days.
Armley Ward
- Tree works, Christ The King Church, Houghley Lane, Bramley Leeds LS13 2DX.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable, dormer window to the rear and rooflight to front, 57 Armley Grange Avenue, Armley, Leeds LS12 3QP.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Change of use from class B8 storage facility to class E auction house, J Miles Ltd, Grove Street, Stanningley, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 6JN.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Tree works, The Vicarage, 9 St Johns Avenue, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5DN.
- Two storey side extension to replace carport and garage; dropped kerb widened, 1 Thornhill Grove, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5PB.
- Change of use from Offices (Use Class E) to two appartments (Use Class C3), 38 – 42 Town Street, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5LD.
- Porch to front; front elevation wall positions amended; roof raised; window and door alterations; part ground and first floor rear extension; pergola to rear; dormer window to rear with rooflights to front and rear; new vehicular access; single storey side extension and front bay windows.Show more description, 34 Woodhall Park Avenue, Stanningley, Pudsey, LS28 7HF.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey side extension, 15 Airedale Gardens, Rodley, Leeds LS13 1DN.
- Demolition of rear extensions; Single storey rear extension; addition of ground floor window to side, 36 Parkside Road, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5BG.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 6, 10, 18 and 21 to planning application 23/01675/FU, Henconner Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 4JN.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a car sales pitch, Land At Whitehall Road, Land At Whitehall Road, Leeds LS12 6JY.
Horsforth Ward
- Single storey front extension with new door/raised steps and railings to side, 16 Stanhope Drive, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4ES.
- T9 Wych Elm: Remove (Report JCA Ref 20565/DK Arboricultural Safety Survey), 20 Newlay Wood Avenue, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4LN.
- Two storey rear extension; dormer window to rear; roof lights to front; new first floor windows to both sides; new canopy to front; replacement windows; new front door and removal of chimneysShow more description, 1A Park Grove, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5EE.
- Part single storey part first floor side extension and large patio doors replacing small window to rear, 92 West End Drive, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5JX.
- 8.00m single storey rear extension, 4.00m to ridge height (Parapet Wall) and 3.45m to eaves (Flat Roof), The Meadows, Rawdon Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4EA.
- Formation of additional first and second storey with dormer window to rear and rooflights to front; Infill extension to existing bungalow; removal of lobby and new steps to frontShow less description, 28 Knoll Wood Park, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4SH.
Kirkstall Ward
- None submitted.
Pudsey Ward
- Tree works, 1 Radcliffe Gardens, Pudsey LS28 8BG.
- Tree works, Centre Of Pond 27M From 29 Spinners Chase, 12M From Spinners Chase Pudsey.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 18 to planning application 24/04762/FU, Land West Of Kent Road, Pudsey, Leeds LS28.
- Change of use of part of first and second floor to create two flats, along with associated internal and external alterations including bin storeShow more description, 11 – 15 Chapeltown, Pudsey, LS28 7RZ.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey part side and part rear extension with pitched roof, 24 Brick Mill Road, Pudsey, LS28 9EN.
- Variation of Conditions 2 (plans to be approved), 5 (boundaries and gates), 6 (EVCP) and 8 (c_stud) to previously approved Planning Application 23/07486/FU (Change of use incorporating alterations from residential annexe to single detached dwelling house with parking for two cars and new gates to existing access from road) to amend wording to Conditions 2, 5, 6 and 8Show less description, 47 Hough Side Road, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 9JP.
Decided applications
Here are the planning applications decided by Leeds City Council this week:
Armley Ward
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable, dormer window to the rear and rooflight to front, 57 Armley Grange Avenue, Armley, Leeds LS12 3QP.
- Erection of extra care housing development comprising of 65 apartments, with associated communal facilities and car parking. – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO 22/08289/FU – Raising the building height.Show less description, Former Site Of Middle Cross Home For Older People, Simpson Grove, Armley, Leeds LS12 1QG.
- Change of use from residential property to house in multiple occupation; bin store to rear, 2 Athlone Grove, Armley, Leeds LS12 1UD.
- Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for use of lower ground floor as a self-contained flat, Flat 11 2 Church Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 1TZ.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- 5.32m single storey rear extension, 3.70m to ridge height and 3.00m to eaves, 41 Eightlands Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2BT.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 3 of Planning Application 24/02670/FU, Bramley Adult Day Service, Railsfield Rise, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3AA.
- Change of use from dwellinghouse to create a four-bedroom House in Multiple Occupation, 31 Broadlea Hill, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2SP.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- 3.50m single storey rear extension, 3.70m to ridge height and 2.47m to eaves, 20 Grange Avenue, Thornbury, BD3 7BB.
- Two storey side extension; part removal of boundary hedge, 42 Westdale Drive, Pudsey, LS28 7HZ.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable and dormer window to the rear, 13 Moorland Grove, Pudsey LS28 8EP.
- Determination for conversion of first floor office into a studio apartment with internal alterations, 10 Bradford Road, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 6DD.
- Demolition of detached garage; erection of a two storey outbuilding and residential annexe to rear, 23 Newlands, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5BE.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Tree works, Southview, 1 Back Lane, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5HN.
- Installation of 24 roof mounted photovoltaic panels to roof of existing metal shed store building west of Farnley Hall, Farnley Hall, Hall Lane, Farnley, Leeds LS12 5HA.
- Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) to previously approved Planning Application 24/02046/FU (Rendered finish; first floor Juliet balcony to rear replacing large window and replacement windows) to allow development to be carried out in accordance with revised drawing number 418-07 Rev DShow less description, 846 Tong Road, Farnley, Leeds LS12 5HE.
Horsforth Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval of Condition 30 of Planning Application 19/05272/FU, Horsforth Campus, Calverley Lane, Horsforth, Leeds LS18.
- Pitched roof to existing garage; part conversion of garage to habitable accommodation; porch to front; single storey rear extension; patio and steps to rear; solar panels to main roof; and replacement of side door with a window, 64A Victoria Gardens, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4PH.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 3 of Planning Application 24/01505/LI, Bronte House School, Apperley Lane, Rawdon, Leeds BD10 0PQ.
- Ground floor front extension; internal alterations, High Trees, 1 Southway, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RN.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for replacement windows to front and rear, 4 Rockery Croft, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5AU.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18 and 19 to Planning Application 24/01491/FU, 197 Hall Lane, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5EG.
- Redevelopment of existing playground space, Bronte House School, Apperley Lane, Rawdon, Leeds BD10 0PQ.
- Listed building application for enhancement of existing playground facilities, Bronte House School, Apperley Lane, Rawdon, Leeds BD10 0PQ.
Kirkstall Ward
- Part two and single storey side and rear extension; Conversion of detached garage to rear to form garden room; widening of hardstanding to frontShow more description, 20 West Park Drive, West Park, Leeds LS16 5BL.
- Conversion and extension to rear of former shop and store to create four one bedroom apartments and three bedroom dwellingShow more description, 38 Commercial Road, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3AQ.
- Re-purposing existing car parking spaces for use as parking spaces for recharging of electric vehicles, including the installation of 2 upstands, feeder pillar, lighting column, 6 bollards, and associated landscaping adjustments, Kirkstall Bridge Shopping Park, Bridge Road, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3BL.
Pudsey Ward
- Installation of replacement gas cooler, refrigerator pack, four air conditioning units; erection of replacement timber fence enclosure, 29 Church Lane, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 7LD.
- Single storey side/rear extension with new pitch roof to rear and side over the garage replacing flat roof, 57 Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey LS28 8AT.
- Single storey side extension, 23 Weavers Croft, Pudsey LS28 9LF.
- Demolition of garage; Part two and single storey side and rear extension 38 Tyersal Green, Tyersal, BD4 8HQ.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable, dormer window to the rear and rooflights to front, 57 Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey LS28 8AT.
- Detached house with parking on land to rear of 63 – 69 Tyersal Road, Land To The Rear Of 63 – 69 Tyersal Road, Tyersal, BD4 8ES.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for conversion of garage to habitable accommodation; access ramp to front, 19 Tyersal Grove, Tyersal, Bradford BD4 8HN.
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