Residents living in council homes in West Leeds may have a new provider for housing repairs and maintenance.
Council chiefs are re-tendering for one external company to provide the services, which are currently provided by Mears whose contract is coming to an end.
The new contract, which would start in late 2026, would be expected to cost around £18.5 miliion annually. Over the maximum 10-year term, the anticipated total contract would be estimated at £185m.
A council report authorising the re-tendering process said: “These are essential services, keeping our properties safe and well maintained for residents.
“This report proposes the re-procurement of these delivery arrangements when the current contract comes to an end. This has followed consideration of a range of options, and extensive consultation with the internal service provider.”
An additional requirement of the contract will be included for a dedicated team to provide a responsive repairs service to the high-rise blocks, as well as retirement life and extra care homes.
“This approach will enable us to strengthen our service delivery to our most vulnerable residents as well as to better respond to the repair and maintenance needs of buildings,” the report adds.
The council’s ‘west Leeds’ patch covers 13 wards, and about 20,000 homes.
Read the report in full here.
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Well I assume whoever gets the contract they won’t be “Working from home” like most council employees! Sarcastic yes but an annoying truth.
Why does it annoy you? Are you a commercial property landlord hungry for rent? Or maybe it’s the discipline of the workplace that gets your juices flowing – staff being monitored and regulated in the office because nobody below a certain level can be trusted to work to their own initiative? You do realise working from home reduces pressure on our local transport infrastructure – fewer people in cars clogging up the roads during rush hour or taking up room on seriously overcrowded trains and buses. You should be welcoming this instead of coming on here to post negative comments.
Well said!