Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeNewsStanningley scrap yard housing plans resubmitted

Stanningley scrap yard housing plans resubmitted

Amended plans to turn a Stanningley scrap yard into housing have been submitted.

Developers are hoping to build houses on land at Vickersdale, off Stanningley Town Street, which is currently occupied by Metal Sourcing Ltd.

The outline proposals, for around 48 properties, include the demolition of the existing commercial buildings on the scrap yard site.

Original plans for around 60 properties on the site were submitted and withdrawn last year. Concerns from local agencies included road access onto Town Street and a lack of green space on the site.

The revised proposals have already garnered the support from one local resident, who says she’s endured problems with noise and dust from the scrap yard and heavy goods vehicles arriving late at night. Carol Hodgson urged other residents to support the application and told The Dispatch:

“I’ve lived in the area for 30 years, the latter 15 years spent complaining to Environmental Health, the planning department, councillors and the local MP about it.

“The redevelopment will create much-needed housing and utilise a local brownfield site instead of a greenfield site. It will regenerate Stanningley, providing a new community to the area. On environmental grounds alone the area will be greatly improved.

“The new housing development will make Vickersdale a safer environment for residents and children playing out and will be well serviced with public transport, the new cycle highway, footpaths and surrounding shops and businesses.”

Residents can view the plans and submit comments on the council’s planning portal.


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