Saturday, October 12, 2024
HomeNews'Unauthorised' work at Pudsey apartment block refused planning permission

‘Unauthorised’ work at Pudsey apartment block refused planning permission

Retrospective plans to transform a former school science block into 12 studios and apartments have been refused by Leeds City Council planners.

The Grange development, next to the former Grangefield School building off Richardshaw Lane, already has planning consent and people are living in it. Developer Sandeep Gupta from Riana Developments Ltd says the latest application includes a ‘slight variation in internal layout and slight amendments to windows’.

But a council planning officer’s report refusing the application says planning permission for the change of use of the building, alterations and side extension was approved in 2020. It adds: “…works have been carried out which [are] not in accordance with the original planning consent and as a result this retrospective applications seeks consent for unauthorised works.”

The application also proposed the insertion of new windows together with associated parking and landscaping.

In refusing the application, the planning officer’s report said: “These unauthorised works for which planning permission is being sought are contrary to all the previous design advice and the previously approved drawings.”

It concluded: “The Local Planning Authority consider the retrospective works which have been carried out to be wholly unacceptable as the modernist architecture of the host building has now been detrimentally harmed.

“This is due to significant alteration to the approved fenestration pattern, poor choice of mortar and brickwork to the approved side extension and insufficient landscaping works, which cumulatively are considered to be harmful and unsympathetic to the character and appearance of the host building and the setting of the adjacent listed building.”

The planning application had argued: “The proposals are basically to revert the building and extension to that previously approved, with some minor alterations to the internal layout and windows. The proposed scheme will bring an existing building back into use, and prevent further vandalism and anti-social behaviour within the area.

“The new building will still be subservient to the main building and the materials will provide an unchanged building form with some modern additions which will enhance the overall site as a whole.

“The completion of this scheme will also improve the site as a whole and therefore the outlook and living experience for all the residents of the area. With this in mind we feel that the application should be supported and approved by the council.”

The plans can be viewed in full here.


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