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HomeSponsored ContentStay connected in West Leeds this Christmas with CityFibre

Stay connected in West Leeds this Christmas with CityFibre

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In a year that has been anything but normal, the likelihood of a conventional Christmas may feel like a pipe dream for many of us.

Nevertheless, as plucky Brits it’s in our hands to make the most of a difficult situation and find ways to stay connected, unwind and close the distance digitally.

But, what happens when every person in Leeds wants to video call their friends and family at the same time using an old and tired broadband connection? Cue slow loading times, glitchy audio, blurry visuals and drop-outs.

And, if you’re lucky enough to have the Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 in your stocking this Christmas, battling it out online or even simply downloading new games onto your console could be a laggy and frustrating experience too – particularly if family members are streaming the latest festive films at the same time.

For too many of us, these experiences are all too familiar. In large parts of the country, home broadband can often lack speed and reliability when trying to support whole families at the same time. In fact, recent research by CityFibre revealed that 78 per cent of UK consumers felt slowed down and frustrated by their internet connection.

What’s the solution?

Typically, it is standard for internet service providers (ISPs) to use a copper telephone line or a copper-fibre hybrid line when setting up the internet connection in your house, and this is a major factor in lagging connections. At CityFibre, we use fibre optic cables for the entire length of the journey, allowing for a remarkably faster and more reliable service.

For the last two years, we have been building a powerful full fibre network, taking next-generation connectivity to almost every home and business in Leeds. This has transformed the digital experience for countless citizens, unleashing gigabit-capable speeds, near limitless bandwidth and connectivity you can depend on. Vodafone Gigafast broadband services delivered over this network are now available across the town, with more postcodes coming online daily.

To put the difference between full fibre networks and other types of digital connections into perspective, the average broadband speed across the UK is supposed to be 64Mbps. Yet, as many of you will know, getting the speed you pay for often isn’t the case.

Vodafone Gigafast packages range from 100Mbps to an eye wateringly fast 900Mbps and are completely symmetrical so you can upload just as quickly as you can download. Simply put, full fibre gives you what you think you may be getting, or expect, from part fibre connections.

‘Tis the Season

Getting connected with CityFibre and Vodafone means that come Christmas Day, you will be able to stream your favourite festive film while video calling the rest of the family without a hitch. No more buffering, no more lag. The process becomes virtually seamless. 

It means your children can play games online without excessive loading times. You can call your friends and feel as if they are in the room next to you. It means that long after the last mince pie has been consumed and you return to working life, your ‘home office’ is faster and more efficient than any workplace.

As we move into an increasingly digital age the importance of quality, high functioning, full fibre connectivity is paramount in allowing us to work, socialise and play as we please.

As far as years go, 2020 has certainly highlighted the remarkable versatility of the internet. However, it has also demonstrated how utterly dependent we are on our connectivity in allowing us to get on with our lives in a stress-free way. It is a virtual gateway to work, school, shops, family and friendship.

The internet has allowed us to retain a fraction of normality in what has been a challenging year for us all. We want to ensure that as many homes as possible in Leeds are linked to the quickest, most efficient and sturdiest full fibre technology this Christmas.

To find out if you can connect now, or to register your interest for when services do become available, click here.


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