Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsStanningley: Vickersdale recycling site plans approved by council

Stanningley: Vickersdale recycling site plans approved by council

Plans for the reconfiguration of a metal recycling facility in Stanningley have been given the green light by Leeds City Council – despite two local objections.

Applicant Infinity Metals want to create a single working area, from an existing metal recycling facility, some ancillary industrial land, a demolished pub – the Old Roundabout – and a former restaurant at the Vickersdale works site, off Town Street.

Proposals include the addition of acoustic fencing to reduce noise from the area for bneighbouring residents and the adjacent school. The area of the former pub and restaurant will be used for employee parking and HGV manoeuvring, including a relocated weighbridge.

There were objections about noise nuisance, concern over future activities and calls for the operation ‘to be moved to a more appropriate setting’.

Approving the application, a report compiled by planning officers said:

“The metal recycling use has been in place for a significant period of time but on a more limited area of land.

“Over time, with changes in ownership, the use has intensified and has expanded to occupy additional surrounding areas of land. This application seeks to remedy the intensification and growth of the use.”

The report concluded that the proposal ‘constitutes sustainable development in that it would improve the efficiencies at an established waste recycling facility’. It added:

“With regard to all other material planning considerations, the proposal is considered to mitigate some of the harm to residential amenity which this long-standing use currently causes.

“As the proposal does not conflict with any relevant adopted development plan policies and it is considered that there are no material considerations that would outweigh local or national planning policy, a recommendation for approval is made, subject to the recommended planning conditions.”

A dozen conditions are attached to planning approval after being negotiated by council officers and Bramley & Stanningley councillors.

These include operating hours limited to 7.30am and 5.30pm on weekdays and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays. A dust mitigation and management scheme must be submitted to the council and no more than 25,000 tonnes of metal waste shall be accepted each year.

Previous WLD coverage of the Vickersdale site can be found here.


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