Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsStanningley: St Thomas Church marks 175th anniversary

Stanningley: St Thomas Church marks 175th anniversary

A weekend of celebrations will mark the 175th anniversary of St Thomas Church in Stanningley.

A flower festival, summer fair, barbecue and afternoon tea are just some of the events planned for the church, which has served the community since 1841.


Parishioner Donald Pearce has been going to St Thomas for nearly 70 years, and his wife Betty for 71 years.

Mr Pearce told the Dispatch the church had changed a lot over the years. He said:

“It is a big part of my life. Of course, fewer people go now but we do have quite a few younger people going too. The church hasn’t changed at all outside in the time I’ve been going, but it has inside.”

He said there are fewer pews and the alter is now positioned differently.

The church boasts six Victorian stained glass windows. The most unique is on the south side in memory of two young Sunday School teachers who were struck by lightning in 1869 and who are buried in the churchyard. Mr Pearce said:

“They were walking in Farsley, near Sunfield, when they were struck by lightning in about 1869. The window is a way of remembering them.”


A flower festival starts Saturday, 16th July.  Church is open all day from 10am to 5pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm.

The church will be full of displays depicting favourite hymns. Attendees can see how the arrangements have been inspired by the words of those hymns.

Entrance will be by programme purchased at the door, cost 50p. The programmes will be numbered and the numbers entered into a luck draw at the end of the weekend

The same day, a summer fair will be running in the hall and church grounds from 11am. There will be stalls, games, tombola, face painting, refreshments and lots of fun.

At 7pm there will be a barbecue in the church grounds. Tickets are £5.

The celebrations continue on Sunday 17th.

At 9.30am there will be a special celebration service in St Thomas Church.

At 2pm afternoon teas will be served and there will be children’s races and games until 3.30pm. The weekend will close with a Songs of Praise at 4pm.

For more information, contact 0749 3830757 or e-mail




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