Earlier this year, Kirkstall Valley Development Trust opened up a new community base at Unit 11 in Kirkstall Bridge Shopping Centre. As well as a community library, here are some of the activities on offer there. Ramona Green reports …

- PLAY & STAY – Bring your little ones along to unit 11 for our play and stay. We have lots of toys, both educational and fun, and books galore! We will make you a coffee/tea and you can watch your children have a great time while meeting other parents.
- KNIT & KNATTER – Whether you are an expert knitter or simply curious, come along and meet our resident stitching superstar, Linda, who will help you along with getting started.
- STITCH, BITCH & MORE – This is an “arty crafty” type session where materials will be provided to take part in all manner of creative activities.
- COMMUNITY CHOIR – In the lead up to Christmas, KVDT have organised this weekly meet-up for people of varying degrees of singing talent to come along and have fun. Laura is running these sessions which will continue into the New Year.
- YIN YANG YOGA – a lady called Laura is providing a weekly yoga session so why not learn to relax and exercise at the same time. Just come along and “limber up with Laura.”
- KVPS (Kirkstall Valley Parents Social) – This is an opportunity for lone parents and carers (with or without their children) to meet up and have a chat while their children have fun together in the well-equipped play area.
- CREATIVE WRITING – This is a new project that will be starting in the New Year. It will give like-minded people the chance to get together and create stories, poems, articles etc….