Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeNewsRodley Nature Reserve set for new duck marsh habitat

Rodley Nature Reserve set for new duck marsh habitat

A project to improve habitat diversity for wetland species by redeveloping the duck marsh at Rodley Nature Reserve is set to begin early next year.

The scheme will include re-landscaping the area to form different water depths to promote species diversity.

Project: Rodley Nature Reserve duck marsh.

It is hoped the project will attract new species including Little Ringed Plover, Common Tern and passage migrants together with the current species that visit the reserve.

The northern bank will also be extended towards the Willow Path hide, with the excavated land to be reused form a bank at the southern perimeter to provide suitable habitat for establishing water vole presence.

Dave Nesham, trustee director at Rodley Nature Reserve Trust, commented:

“The Trust has regularly considered the effectiveness of the duck marsh habitat and now, in partnership with Yorkshire Water, its redevelopment will significantly improve its diversity and hopefully attract a variety of new species to the Reserve for the benefit of our visitors. The investment by Yorkshire Water and their technical assistance is greatly appreciated.”

The scheme is a partnership between Yorkshire Water, Rodley Nature Reserve and Fountains Forestry,

Liz Norman, a habitat and partnerships specialist at Yorkshire Water, added:

“Rodley Nature Reserve has become a diverse location for wildlife over the last 20 years through the hard work of all involved.

“This new project aims to improve the duck marsh area to benefit existing species that visit the site, but also to attract new wetland species in the coming month and years.

“Contractors have been appointed to conduct the work and we’re expecting work to begin early in 2021.”


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