Monday, March 10, 2025
HomecommentReaders' Letters: Help! We've lost our access to cash

Readers’ Letters: Help! We’ve lost our access to cash

Consumer organisation Which? is aiming to highlight the impact of lost access to cash in communities, raise awareness about the issue and encourage the government to take action.

They’re asking readers to email local press about their concerns over their lack of access to cash following the closures of local banks. Here’s a selection of the letters we have received so far…

Dear sir –

Today I’m writing to you to tell you that I’m concerned about my ability to access cash in my local community. 

I have limited mobility due to peripheral vascular disease and arthritis. I need to have an easily accessible source of cash in order to pay for taxis etc.  The local Yorkshire Bank closed long ago, and my local shop ATM charges for withdrawals.

I’m being taxed for being elderly and disabled.

  • Robert Dickson

Dear sir –

Today I’m writing to you to tell you that I’m concerned about my ability to access cash in my local community. 

It doesn’t make sense closing banks down in flourishing centres, please reverse your decisions, which are harming people. Banks should remember – it wasn’t so long ago that you nearly took this country and the world to bankruptcy.

  • Jeffrey Boot

Dear sir –

How many banks have places like Armley Town Street lost? There’s only Lloyds Bank left now – HSBC and the others have all gone. Not everyone is good online and I’ve no-one to help me. I struggle to get into town and I feel I’ve been left behind and punished for being old.

  • Susan Denton


  1. Pudsey has lost numerous ATMs and with natwest closing very shortly that’ll be another machine gone. Eventually you’ll have to pay to get your money out its disgusting


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