Revised plans for 25 houses on a field off Kent Road in Pudsey have been given the green light by planners.
Johnson Mowat had submitted the latest plans, off Kent Road and Longfield Court, saying the development will deliver ‘much-needed’ family housing in the town. Access would be via Varley’s Yard.
The latest proposals, which have been made in response to concerns expressed by Leeds council planners and local residents, also include public open space.
The houses would have reconstituted stone elevations.
A planning officer’s report approving the plans said: “The development is not considered to be harmful to the character and appearance of the area, nor would it have a harmful impact on highway safety.
“The development provides both affordable housing and greenspace provision (on and off site) whilst delivering an allocated housing site which weighs heavily in the balance of considerations. The scheme therefore provides much need affordable housing whilst providing off-site funds to enhance existing greenspace within the ward along with bio-diversity improvements.”
The council have imposed a raft of 28 planning conditions on the development.
Original proposals for family homes by planning consultants Johnson Mowat were withdrawn in July 2021 following neighbours’ concerns over parking, access and traffic. Fresh plans were submitted in September 2021, with further revisions in June 2022.
The plans can be read – and commented upon – here.