Pudsey residents can have their say on proposed road safety measures around a new sixth form college off Kent Road.
Leeds City Council is advertising a raft of measures connected to the £13 million Pudsey Sixth Form College, which will cater for up to 600 students.
Work started in May on the college, which will and offer a wide range of A levels, vocational courses and GCSEs, and is being built on land next to Crawshaw Academy, off Kent Road.
Council highways chiefs have opened a public consultation into the proposed package of highways improvements, and local residents have until 18 October to comment on them.
Measures include five road humps and two speed tables.
A copy of the individual scheme plans are available on request by e-mailing troteam@leeds.gov.uk.
If you wish to comment on the proposals, write to Mr M Butcher, Traffic Team, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Wav, Leeds, LS2 8BB or e-mail troteam@leeds.gov.uk by 18 October 2024.
The new college is designed to meet a projected rise in the number of 16-18 year olds across Leeds over the next decade – and to give local students the chance to excel without having to travel further afield.
The two-storey building will contain 25 classrooms and include green technology – including air source heat pumps – to minimise its carbon footprint.
The college is due to open next year.
- Follow WLD’s coverage of Pudsey Sixth Form College here.
- More news from Pudsey can be found here.