Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsPudsey: Revised plans submitted for Kent Road housing development

Pudsey: Revised plans submitted for Kent Road housing development

Revised plans for 25 houses off Kent Road have been submitted by developers.

Developers Johnston and Mowatt has submitted the plans, off Kent Road and Longfield Court, saying the development will deliver ‘much-needed’ family housing in the town. Access would be via Varley’s Yard.

The proposals, which have been made in response to concerns expressed by Leeds council planners, also include public open space.

The proposals submitted last September were for 28 family houses and attracted local opposition and the latest plans have reduced the total to 25 and reconfigure the layout of the properties from this:

To this:

A design statement submitted with the application states: “Detailed and careful consideration has been given to the proposals. The proposals create a development that not only respects the site and its surroundings but also provides a high quality and well considered place to live.”

Original proposals for family homes by planning consultants Johnson Mowat were withdrawn last July following neighbours’ concerns over parking, access and traffic.

The plans can be read – and commented upon – here.


  1. Once again these developers refuse to see the opposition to this proposal is not the size of the development it IS THE DEVELOPMENT.The amount of properties is irrelevant (it will still cause more traffic causing more pollution, heavier traffic congestion,even if each property only has one vehicle that is adding 25 vehicles minimum to an already overly congested area)parking is already at a premium in this area,there is a well documented problem with speeding,a loss of more prime land in the centre of Pudsey,access ,safety concerns for the school and residents.THIS DEVELOPMENT MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO FURTHER SPOIL THE CENTRE OF PUDSEY.


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