Volunteers with the Pudsey in Bloom group have been busy revamping a neglected part of the town centre.
As reported in March, the volunteers have been tackling some of the old beds in the Lidget Hill area of the town.
The existing beds were poorly maintained and lacking in colour – shoppers were taking short cuts through the beds, rubbish blew or was thrown in there and dogs used it as a toilet and owners did not clean it up.
But now the area has benefited from having the beds paved and new planters installed.
From this …

…. To this

The brick bed near the traffic lights behind the noticeboard has been repaired. The few old rose bushes that remained have been removed and some hanging baskets were installed on a post to give height.

Someone has to spoil it …
Sadly Saturday night saw drunken idiots spoiling one of the planters …

As Aaron Murphy said on Facebook:
“Absolutely sickening! I see the people do the planting to give us a nice bright town and some mindless muppet ruins it.”
…but Pudsey residents rallied round
According to a post on the Manor Inn Facebook page, some disgusted passers by found the plants all over the road and path and, in the early hours of Sunday morning, did their best to put the plants back. Community spirit triumphs over the imbeciles once more!

Make a difference
Want to get involved? More volunteers are always welcome. Read more about the Pudsey in Bloom group here.
What do you think of the improvements? Have your say in the comments below.