Wednesday, February 5, 2025
HomeNewsPudsey housing development may be approved, despite environmental concerns

Pudsey housing development may be approved, despite environmental concerns

Plans for 21 houses in Pudsey could receive the green light – despite concerns about their impact on the community and environment.

The site, on Hare Lane, already has outline planning approval for the principle of residential development only for up to 21 units on the site of a (former) manufacturing business.

The outline approval is accompanied by legal agreement requiring improvements to Hare Lane, on-site greenspace, a replacement footpath and affordable housing.

But residents claim the number of houses will harm the local character of the area, have a detrimental impact on highway safety and have environmental implications.

They also say neighbouring properties will lose their privacy and outlook.

But a council planning officer’s report to be considered next week recommends approval,.

It claims issues with the development won’t ‘significantly and demonstrably’ outweigh its benefits in terms of national planning policy. It concludes:

“The proposal offers good quality design and a layout that responds to the site’s constraining steep ground levels whilst offering good levels of green-space that now exceeds [planning policy] requirements…

“It is considered the proposal will provide good levels of habitation in an attractive and secluded setting. The housing proposed would act to improve the quality of the area above that of the existing industrial buildings.”

The proposals are recommended for approval at next Thursday’s south and west panel at Leeds Civic Hall, subject to conditions including affordable housing provision, on-site green-space and the maintenance of Hare Lane.

Read the council report in full here.


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