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HomeNewsPublic meeting discusses New Farnley green field housing plans

Public meeting discusses New Farnley green field housing plans

A public meeting will discuss the latest developments connected to a controversial planning application for 126 homes in New Farnley.

Developer Redrow already has outline permission to develop the green field site off Whitehall Road. Council planners are soon set to decide the detailed plans, which include internal road layout and housing design.

A public meeting has now been called by Cllr Ann Blackburn (Green, Farnley & Wortley) on Thursday 5 March at New Farnley Community Centre (7.30pm).

The proposals have attracted widespread concern in the village and Cllr Blackburn has arranged the public meeting so that the council planner, who is dealing with this current application, can update residents.

Ann blackburn farnley and wortley
Meeting: Cllr Ann Blackburn

Residents can talk about what the development will look like and how it will affect current households.

In a planning statement accompanying their application, developers say:

“The proposal will create a distinctive residential development which is sympathetically designed to respect the surrounding built and natural environment.

“Housing will be a mix of 1 to 4 bedroom houses, including affordable housing, to create a sustainable, mixed community.”

The detailed proposals currently have more than 30 objections. They can be read in full on commented upon here.

The initial plans received more than 200 objections and a 300-strong petition arguing the site wasn’t in a sustainable location – before Leeds City Council approved the principle of development almost three years ago.


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