Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeNewsNew round of European money supports skills and employment in West Leeds

New round of European money supports skills and employment in West Leeds

The latest round of European funding to help boost employment, skills and businesses in some of the most deprived West Leeds communities has been opened.

West Leeds Working – West Leeds Thriving has up to £1.1 million of European Structural and Investment Fund money to offer support in the Armley, Bramley and Kirkstall areas.

The money focusses on parts of the Heights, New Wortley, Armley, Hawksworth Wood, Wyther Park, Broadleas and Fairfields. These areas all fall within the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods nationally.

Following the release of the first and second calls in October and November the third call will be an open call running throughout 2019 and will be launched on Monday 25 February, closing on the 17 December.

The programme will be inviting applications for the delivery of innovative projects in West Leeds that will support employment, skills and enterprise.

Saj Shah, Chair of the West Leeds Local Action Group, said:

“Working on the Local Action Group shows what a real and visible difference volunteers with local knowledge supported by experts from the council can make in creating a better environment for people and businesses across Leeds West that will leave a legacy for many years.”

The fund will be supported by up to £1.1 million of funding from the England European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme. Community Led Local Development (CLLD) is a new way of funding the delivery of employment, skills and enterprise support.

More information on the CLLD website or contact the CLLD Programme Team


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