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HomeNews'More than 1 million' trips on cycle superhighway

‘More than 1 million’ trips on cycle superhighway

More than one million trips have been recorded on the CityConnect Bradford Leeds Cycle Superhighway, according to official figures released this week.

The 23km cycle superhighway aims to encourage more people to cycle and walk between Leeds and Bradford.

As of the end of June 1,065,300 trips had been recorded on the cycle superhighway since it opened in summer 2016, with usage increasing by 15% in 2018/19 compared to the previous year.  

According to automated cycle counters located at different points on the superhighway, Armley Road has been the busiest site on the cycle superhighway with an average of more than 8,000 trips being made per month. 

Numbers continue to increase year-on-year, with a 3% rise in usage between April and June compared to the same period in 2018.  

The figure come despite scepticism on social media surrounding the success of the multi-million pound project.

One Facebook user said about the project:

“Rubbish. Someone can’t count or the figures are just spin. Maybe they were watching the Tour de France ad multiplying by 100. The lane’s always empty when I drive past every morning.”

But another added:

“My 16-year-old uses it every day to cycle to his apprenticeship in Armley. I feel much safer with him in this cycle lane.”

Cllr Kim Groves, Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee, said:

“This is a big milestone for the Bradford Leeds Cycle Superhighway and it’s great to see year-on-year growth in in the number of trips being made on the route, but this is just the beginning. 

“Two-thirds of journeys made by West Yorkshire residents are under five miles.  With Public Health England estimating 1 in 20 deaths in West Yorkshire are attributable to air pollution, the case for making more of our journeys by bike, on foot and on public transport has never been stronger.

“We know encouraging more of us to travel by bike or on foot not only boosts people’s health and saves individual’s money, it also brings wider environmental and economic benefits for us all, which is why we want to make cycling and walking a natural choice for short, everyday journeys.”

peter carlill farsley
Cllr Peter Carlill

Leeds City Council’s Cycling Champion Cllr Peter Carlill (Lab, Calverley & Farsley) said:

“These routes play a major part in our long-term Leeds Cycling Starts Here ambition in providing safe routes right across the city to allow more people to make the switch to cycling and get the many benefits it offers.”

Since resurfacing works on the Leeds Liverpool Canal towpath between Kirkstall and Shipley in spring 2016 overall usage has increased, including during last winter with usage between December 2018 and February 2019 showing a 40% increase on the year before. 


  1. What a load of rubbish .live next to cycle route in stanningley lucky if you see 15 a day using it.was the survey taken at different stages recording same cyclists.jim

  2. utter garbage ! how have they calculated a million cyclists? its just more council cycle propaganda to justify the tens of millions of pounds wasted on cycle lanes by a council that increases council tax year on year by 4% while blaming lack of government funding .

  3. I welcome the Cycle Superhighway 100% and the canal towpath upgrade likewise. Moving onto my boat at Rodley in the near future I’ll be able to do my shopping and most of my travelling by bike – and in complete safety. Helps save the planet. Not controversial, nothing to get upset about – just a simple statement of facts.

  4. Rubbish just a ploy for council wasted taxpayers money. Always empty when I drive past. Cyclist are on main road or pathway. It’s a joke

  5. Biggest waste of money ever even by Leeds city council standards.the council are advising care homes to raise the rents of self funded in care homes to cover the shortfall of their funding of non private residents but they can waste money on vanity projects like this.someone needs to get there priorities right.

  6. So Philip Bamford has to come back at me because he loves a right good moan! Moaning And A Groaning 24/7 – – it’s being so cheerful that keeps him going (we all know the sort)!

  7. Cycling along a canal path is brilliant, unlike on the cycle paths, adjoined and sometimes part of, the busy road. Also there always flat . The super cycle highway as been a complete waste of money,


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