By John Baron
Plans for using the former Pudsey link railway line as part of the West Yorkshire mass transit route connecting Leeds with Bradford have been welcomed – with caveats – by a campaign group.
A public consultation on the tram proposals has been launched today – with one of the lines running between Bradford and Leeds city centres.
There are three potential routes for the line, including:
- via Stanningley and Armley
- via Laisterdyke, Pudsey and Wortley
- or via Laisterdyke, Pudsey and Armley.
The latter two options would see sections of the redundant Pudsey railway line, which was a victim of the Beeching cuts of the 1960s, brought back into use by the new tram system.

Proposals would include potentially bringing the Greenside Tunnel back into use, subject to surveys verifying its suitability after years of disuse.
Currently used as a footpath, the Greenside Greenway group is working to re-establish Pudsxey’s old railway line as a modern multi-use path and cycle route.
In a statement issued today, Greenside Greenway chair Gary Lemal said the group’s committee had discussed the proposals and added: “We are all pleased with the security this would bring to the heritage of the route, preserving historic infrastructure – however the use of trams or similar could pose a threat to the possibility of opening the full route as a bridleway, suitable for pedestrians, cycling and horses.
“We are very aware that Pudsey is cut off from the rail network by the A647 dual carriageway and that bus services have been consistently reduced over many years, creating greater need for cars. So from this perspective a mass transit option would be welcome.
“We expect that the current Public Right of Way from Crimbles (the site of the Lowtown Station) through to Carlisle Drive (Greenside Station) would be retained.
“We will campaign to have a low energy route through the cutting and tunnel alongside the mass transit system and continuing along the embankment beyond Black Hey Farm to connect with the cycle routes in Bradford and linking to the Spen Valley Greenway.”
Until 1878 the line terminated at Greenside and in 1878 the tunnel was created and the line was extended to Bradford via Laisterdyke.

Leeds Civic Trust: ‘Sensible first phase’
Civic watchdog organisation Leeds Civic Trust, a long standing supporter of mass transit in Leeds, has said is pleased to see that detailed designs have been revealed for consultation. They cover the following routes:
- St James Hospital to the White Rose Centre passing through Leeds City Centre
- Leeds to Bradford, through West Leeds.
Leeds Civic Trust Director Martin Hamilton said: “These initial routes are a sensible first phase connecting key locations and will support different users including workers, students, shoppers and leisure travellers. The detail needs to be examined and we will be offering our comments as part of the consultation.
“Mass transit offers the opportunity for much wider benefits. We should use the opportunity to create new public spaces, plant trees, and soften our urban environment. This is not just about transport but improving the places where people live.”
The Civic Trust is encouraging everyone with an interest to have their say in the consultation here. The deadline for responses is 30 September.
WLD reported on the launch of the mass transit consultation here.
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I think that a route from La La Land to Fantasy Island will probably be the outcome