Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsMapped: Shared property plans submitted in Armley

Mapped: Shared property plans submitted in Armley

Plans to turn family homes into shared properties continue to be submitted in Armley – despite a landmark decision which refused similar proposals last month.

Proposals for a nine-bed house in multiple occupation in Brooklyn Place have recently been submitted by developer Talat Younas.

Plans for a HMO in a family home in Conference Road were refused by councillors in July. Photo: Google Maps/Street View

Last month plans to turn a family home in Armley into a shared home were refused in what local residents hope will be a landmark decision for the area.

Councillors on Leeds City Council’s south and west plans panel said an application to turn a four-bedroom family terrace property in Conference Road into a house of multiple occupation (HMO) for four people was unacceptable. They said it would alter the character of the area, affect community cohesion, cause parking problems and lead to the loss of a much-needed family home.

But since then the proposals for Brooklyn Place have been submitted, along with plans for another in Barden Grove for a ‘six bedroom high-end boutique HMO for professionals’ by a Halifax-based developer.

A search in Leeds City Council’s planning portal shows three live plans for HMOs in Armley. We’ve mapped them here:

A West Leeds Dispatch poll showed more than 81% of respondents thought there were already too many HMOs in Armley.






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