Kirkstall Valley Farm issues tour invitation

kirkstall valley farm
Kirkstall Valley Farm is community led

Would you like to find out more about the only community led farm in West Leeds?

Now restrictions have eased, Kirkstall Valley Development Trust is inviting you down to Kirkstall Valley Farm for a Walk and Talk tour.

It’s a chance to come down to see the farm, find out more and meet some of the team.

The tours are being split up into themes:

Families – Thursday, Jun 10th – 5pm (just after After School Club)

This is primarily for those that come down to the children’s events, and want to learn more about how the wider farm works and what else is going on.

Members and volunteers – Friday, Jun 11th – 6pm

This one is for people who know a bit about the story so far, and will be much more informal and social (stay for a drink and a chat).

General – Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th, throughout the day

A general introduction and story so far, but with smaller groups so you can ask us more!

Numbers will still be limited on the tours due to restrictions, so it will be a ticketed event – you can book your place here:

A KVDT spokesperson added:

“You will of course be welcome to stay and enjoy one of our budding social areas or quiet spots after the tour – or chip in with some work if you like! We look forward to seeing you!”

In September 2019 Leeds City Council awarded the Trust the Lease on the 16-acre Burley Mills Farm, which was finally signed for last month.  

The farm is off Kirkstall Road – LS4 2QD – and is accessed from the side of Ready Steady Store. It was privately farmed for many years until the leaseholder died in 2017.

Follow West Leeds Dispatch’s ongoing coverage of Kirkstall Valley Farm here.


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