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HomeNewsKirkstall: Leeds local election 2019 candidates profile

Kirkstall: Leeds local election 2019 candidates profile

Here’s who is standing in the 2019 Leeds local elections in the Kirkstall Ward.

Each candidate has been offered a 250-word profile.

There is one vacancy for a councillor.

BARLOW David (Address in Leeds) UKIP Make Brexit Happen

No submission.

ILLINGWORTH John Anthony 37 Kirkwood Way, Leeds, LS16 7EU Labour and Cooperative Party

john illingworth kirkstall labour

I’m standing for re-election because I want to keep on working to improve life chances for people in Kirkstall.

Councillors see first-hand the impact of Austerity on our community. I want to continue doing all I can to limit and reverse the damage Austerity has done.

I’ve long sought to reduce health inequalities between wealthier parts of Leeds and poorer areas with lower life expectancy. I back the Clean Air Charging Zone that the council is introducing next year: this will improve the health of people living along the A65 corridor.

Inner city residents of all ages need better opportunities for physical recreation. The council’s flood alleviation plan for the Kirkstall Valley is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet this need by creating a riverside park, siting footpaths, bridges and cycle routes away from main roads, and preserving priceless green space. I’ll work tirelessly for this.

I back the Council’s call for radical action to tackle the Climate Change Emergency. I’m 100% behind developing new green technologies within the city.

We desperately need better quality affordable housing in Kirkstall and throughout Leeds. I support the council’s programme to build 1,000 new council homes by the end of 2020.

The economic future of Leeds requires a rich diversity of jobs, including science, technology, arts and culture. If re-elected, I’ll back investment in our schools to provide educational and cultural opportunities for all from the limited resources that we must work with.

KENRICK-BAILEY Liam Michael 16 Abbeydale Grove, Leeds, LS5 3RE The Conservative Party Candidate

No submission.

RICHARDSON Edward Anthony 14 Kirkstall Mount, Leeds, LS5 3DT Liberal Democrats

edward richardson liberal democrats kirkstall

I moved to Leeds in 2008 for University and returned in 2013 for work having fallen in love with the city during my degree.

Having studied a combined Environmental Science and Geology degree I am passionate about the environment and keen to see sustainability at the forefront of policy decisions.

I joined the Liberal Democrats the day after the 2015 election, having seen the benefit of having the Liberal Democrats in government.

I became active in the party this year following the split of the Leeds West and Pudsey parties and given the current state of national politics.

I am currently an Environmental Consultant at a national consultancy firm headquartered in Leeds, specialising in the assessment and remediation of contaminated land, bringing that land back into use as public spaces and residential properties.

SMITH Victoria Helen, Flat 11 Aire View Gardens, 31 Vesper Road, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS5 3NU Green Party

victoria smith kirkstall green party

I have lived in Kirkstall for 14 years, moving to Vesper Road to do research work at Leeds University in atmospheric science.

I understand that transport is big issue within the Kirkstall and Burley ward. In particular, the increase in congestion and air pollution at the Kirkstall Retail Park and Queenswood Drive, Morris Lane and Burley Road corridors towards the city.

I will reduce air pollution near to schools by installing information boards that advise drivers not to keep their car engines running when vehicles are stationary. I will also work with First Bus to improve their information and service of bus connections into and out of the ward.

I have also sadly noticed a significant rise in fly-tipping, something exacerbated by the Labour administration removing the free bulky household waste collections, and I will speak out where possible to try and push for these to be reinstated.

Kirkstall & Burley are areas with character. Lots of small businesses are increasingly becoming part of the community. As a Green Party councillor I will be fully committed to supporting independent local business wherever possible.

I believe that I can help make a difference. A vote for me in the council elections on 2nd May is a vote for a greener, cleaner Kirkstall and Burley.


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