A former Salvation Army Hall off Kirkstall Lane could become flats, if plans are given the green light this week.
The empty building has fallen into disrepair and councillors this week are being asked to decide whether it should be demolished and be replaced by 12 flats and car parking.
Kirkstall councillor John Illingworth (Lab) has objected on the grounds of road safety, parking and congestion.

Five letter of objection from nearby residents also raise concerns over the dominance of the new flats.
Despite the concerns, council planning officers are recommending that the scheme be approved in principle and deferred to the chief planning officer for a final decision, subject to a number of conditions includingthe developer paying an 0ffsite greenspace contribution of £38,172. A planning report concludes:
“The principle of development is consistent with adopted local and national planning policies, the development is not considered to be harmful to the character and appearance of the area, nor would it have a harmful impact on highway safety …”
Read the planning officer’s report in full here. The council’s south and west plans panel meets in Leeds Civic Hall on Thursday afternoon.