Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEventsKirkstall Forge past and future to be discussed at Newlay AGM

Kirkstall Forge past and future to be discussed at Newlay AGM

People attending the AGM of the Newlay and Whitecote Residents’ Association (NAWRA) will hear about the future of the nearby Kirkstall Forge site.

Lucinda Yeadon from Kirkstall Forge will be speaking on the past and future of one of the oldest most continuously used industrial sites in England, which is now a multi-million pound mixed-use development. 

lucinda yeadon CEG
All smiles: Lucinda Yeadon of Kirkstall Forge developers CEG – and a former Kirkstall councillor

Ms Yeadon is a former Kirkstall councillor who now works for Forge developers CEG.

NAWRA’s AGM is being held on Wednesday, October 30 at the Abbey Inn, off Pollard Lane. The event starts at 7.30pm.

Elections for the committee will be held – and there are some vacancies. NAWRA will also be updating attendees on funding we have received for a Measured Mile in Bramley Fall Woods and other community projects.

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